SHANDONG XINFA MSG Double Inlet & Double Outlet Ball Mill
MSG double inlet & double outlet ball mill
MGS ball mill is a major related equipment of pulverizing system at 150MW to 1000MV power plants, it also can be applied to chemical industry, construction materials and phosphate mining. Major projects: HuaRun ChangShu power plant, Shanxi Yangchen power plant, HuNan JinZhuShan Power plant and Vietnam power plant.
The advatanges of MSG ball mill are shown as following
Successive operation
Easy maintenance
Stable output and fineness
Large capacity of storage
Quick respond, high flexibility
Low ratio between coal and air
Fitting for various types of coal suitable for pulverizing
No influence from foreign matter
Ability for pulverizing the fuel with high hardness and abrasiveness.
Contact Us
- Shanghai Electric SHMP Pulverizing & Special Equipment Co., Ltd.

Address:No.1800 Jiangchuan Rd, Minghang, Shanghai, PRC

Post code:200245

Tel: 021-34097557
