2009, Sudan IZAGAB 110kv Substation Project.
According to the plan of Sudan National Electric Company (NEC), this substation was to be expanded on the original basis, the scope included: 2 new 110kv transformer spacing, 2 new 100MVA 100/33/11kv main transformer, 2 new 11kv grounding transformer, one new switch cabinet, and update & enlargement of the protection, supervision and communication system.
According to the plan of Sudan National Electric Company (NEC), this substation was to be expanded on the original basis, the scope included: 2 new 110kv transformer spacing, 2 new 100MVA 100/33/11kv main transformer, 2 new 11kv grounding transformer, one new switch cabinet, and update & enlargement of the protection, supervision and communication system.
According to the plan of Sudan National Electric Company (NEC), this substation was to be expanded on the original basis, the scope included: 2 new 110kv transformer spacing, 2 new 100MVA 100/33/11kv main transformer, 2 new 11kv grounding transformer, one new switch cabinet, and update & enlargement of the protection, supervision and communication system.
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- Shanghai Electric Power Transmission & Distribution Engineering Co., Ltd .

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