

New Energy Project
SPTDE can provide one-stop new energy resolving plan for users, and provide variety business running models.Shilin, YUNNAN. Demonstration Project of 66MWp Photovoltaic (PV) Power Station, First Phase.Shanghai SAIC Production Support Base 20MWp Gold Solar PV Demonstration Project.Jinchang, Gansu.100MWp PV Power Station Equipment Supply and Installation Project.Xianning, Hubei. Zhongdian Electric Tongshan Yanxia 100MWp PV Power Farm Project.Guangdong Province-Shantou Intelligent Energy Transmission and Distribution System General Contracting Project.Guangdong Province-Guangdong YUDEAN Taipo Power Plant energy storage PFM project.Malaysia - Long San PV/Diesel/ Energy Storage Microgrid Project.

SPTDE can provide one-stop new energy resolving plan for users, and provide variety business running models.

SPTDE can provide one-stop new energy resolving plan for users, and provide variety business running models.

Contact Us
Shanghai Electric Power Transmission & Distribution Engineering Co., Ltd .
Address:4th Floor,No.1395 Yu Yuan Rd,Shanghai,PRC
Post code:200250
Tel: 8621-52371666