Shanghai Electric-KSB Nuclear Pumps Valves Co.,Ltd.-


CLOSSIA (Butterfly valve)
Applications: Nuclear power stations, reactor containment, applications requiring a quick closing time.

Almost all the nuclear power stations in operation or under construction are using valves provided by SEC-KSB.



Double-offset butterfly valve, metal/metal-seated, main-tenance-free. Carbon-steel body with one flanged and one weld-end connection. Safety actuator with manual, pneumatic or electric actuation; quick closing time.

Technical data:

p [bar] max. 10
DN 250/500/750/1,000
T [℃] -20 to +170

Contact Us
Shanghai Electric-KSB Nuclear Pumps & Valves Co., Ltd.
Address:No.257 Yitian Rd., Pudong District, Shanghai, China
Post code:201306
Tel: +86 21 38221500
Fax:+86 21 38221501