With the advanced technology and reliable quality, SEC-KSB's main feed water pump sets have been in operation in a large number of China's nuclear power plants, covering all types of reactors at home.
Technology from KSB Germany, based on more than 40 years of experience and continuous optimization, pumps have features of high efficiency, energy saving, high reliability, and long life.
In particular, the design concept of RHD pump, with NPSHi rather than NPSH3 as the pump's required net positive suction head and selection of the head of the booster pump accordingly, is world leading and has been adopted by the latest API610 standard (12th edition) for the design of high energy pumps.
Rigid shaft design, together with slight axial force caused artificially keep the pump shaft in the state of stretch during operation, to avoid friction and contact between dynamic/static parts.
Patented honeycomb wear ring structure and special material reduce leakage, and has excellent anti-bite performance.
- Shanghai Electric-KSB Nuclear Pumps & Valves Co., Ltd.