Flue gas desulfurization system
Install the grading ring at the inlet of absorption tower to make the smoke flow field more uniform, adopt the spray layer control technology and the high-performance low-power consumption spiral nozzle with three cutting directions, 100-degree coverage, and particle diameter less than 1000μm to strengthen the gas-liquid mass transfer, and finally achieve more than 99.5% desulfurization efficiency and more than 75% synergistic dust removal efficiency after repeated defogging.
Install the grading ring at the inlet of absorption tower to make the smoke flow field more uniform, adopt the spray layer control technology and the high-performance low-power consumption spiral nozzle with three cutting directions, 100-degree coverage, and particle diameter less than 1000μm to strengthen the gas-liquid mass transfer, and finally achieve more than 99.5% desulfurization efficiency and more than 75% synergistic dust removal efficiency after repeated defogging.
Contact Us
- Shanghai Electric Power Generation Environment Protection Engineering Co., Ltd.

Post code:201612

Tel: 86-021-37018128
