Primary air fan
The primary fan produced by SEBW is in the leading position in the industry, with a domestic market share of 50-60%. The main markets are China, India, Indonesia, Vietnam, Philippines and other countries. Achievements: Inner Mongolia Jingneng Jining thermal power 2 × 350MW cogeneration project; Guodian Chaoyang thermal power 2 × 350MW project; China Resources Power 2 × 660MW project; Guodian Suqian thermal power phase II 2 × 660MW ultra supercritical unit; Guodian Ningxia fangjiazhuang power plant 2 × 1100MW unit; China Power Investment GCL Binhai power generation project (2 × 1000MW); Guangdong Huaxia Yangxi power plant 5 and 6 unit expansion project (2 × 1240mw) .
Contact Us
- Shanghai Electric Blower Factory Co Ltd

Address:No. 87, Guang Yue Zhi Road,Shanghai, 200434, P.R. China

Post code:200072

Tel: 021-55983000
