

2010, Angola Huambo - Kala Urban Power Grid Transformation Project.
Owner of the project is Angola National Electric Company, and the scope includes: 6.1km 60kV transmission line; reconstruction and improvement of 15kV medium-voltage distribution network and related substations, switch stations and cabinet substations in Huambo and Kala region; reconstruction and improvement of the 380V low-voltage distribution network and some of road lighting work.

Owner of the project is Angola National Electric Company, and the scope includes: 6.1km 60kV transmission line; reconstruction and improvement of 15kV medium-voltage distribution network and related substations, switch stations and cabinet substations in Huambo and Kala region; reconstruction and improvement of the 380V low-voltage distribution network and some of road lighting work.

Owner of the project is Angola National Electric Company, and the scope includes: 6.1km 60kV transmission line; reconstruction and improvement of 15kV medium-voltage distribution network and related substations, switch stations and cabinet substations in Huambo and Kala region; reconstruction and improvement of the 380V low-voltage distribution network and some of road lighting work.

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Address:4th Floor,No.1395 Yu Yuan Rd,Shanghai,PRC
Post code:200250
Tel: 8621-52371666