Shanghai Power Station Auxiliary Equipment Plant-


Condenser is one of the main auxiliary equipment in power plant. The main function of condenser is to establish a lower back pressure at the exhaust of steam turbine, so that the steam can do most to improve the efficiency of the steam turbine. Because condenser is the main cold end equipment in the steam cycle system of power plant, its performance effects the efficiency of the whole unit directly. The product fields cover fossil fuel power plants, combined cycle power plants, nuclear power plants, etc.

    Products are used in Yangjiang 1000MW, Fangchenggang 1000MW, Pakistan Karachi 1000MW, Qinshan phase 600MW, Qinshan phase Ⅰ 300MW, Pakistan Chashma 300MW nuclear power plant; Taizhou Phase Ⅱ 1000MW secondary reheat fossil fuel power plant; Pingshan 1350MW, Yangxi 1200MW, Indonesia Cilacap 1000MW, Wangting 660MW, India Hisar 600MW, India Rosa 300MW fossil fuel power plant; Shidongkou CCPP (grade F), Tianjin IGCC (grade E) power plant; Other feed water pump turbine condenser, Peak cooling condenser.

Our company is one of the largest and most advanced condenser suppliers in the world, and leads the market share. Our design, manufacturing technology reach the international leading level. Products are used in Electric Power, Petrochemical and Environmental Protection fields etc. SAP has designed and manufactured the first CPR1000 nuclear power plant condenser and 1350MW fossil fuel power plant condenser successfully. At the same time, the company is also the organization unit of the national condenser standard JB/T10085, and has undertaken the national-level project development of the national 1000MW nuclear power CAP1400 and CAP1700.

1. Have the arrangement of heat exchange tube bundle with independent intellectual property, and its heat exchange performance is better than the HEI standard.

2. Products can meet the requirements of back pressure from the cold weather condition unit to the warm weather condition unit, from direct water cooling unit to indirect air cooling tower unit.

3. Single-shell type, two-shell type and three-shell type condensers can match the whole series of steam turbine low-pressure cylinders.

4. Vibration analysis, strength calculation and other professional design to ensure the safety of the system.

5. Customizable condenser design improve the economy of the system.

Contact Us
Shanghai Power Station Auxiliary Equipment Plant
Address:No. 621 Longchang Road, Shanghai,China
Post code:200090
Tel: 60708088