Changjiang 1, taking Qinshan 2 as reference, is equipped with two 650 MW pressurized water reactors. SEC-KSB provided 4 RSRs and shall perform all the maintenance service work for Changjiang1.
With advanced technology and reliable performance, the RSRs have entered the TOP 3 List of Chinese reactor coolant pumps installed.
? 100% tightness 100%
l Improved 3 mechanical seals (double-redundant) plus 2 standstill seals to withstand the SBO condition
? Integrity under upset conditions
l Cooling of mechanical seals through thermosyphon effect
l Newly-developed Passive Thermal Control Valve to ensure integrity of primary loop through closing control leakage line in several minutes without any supply of power or nitrogen under SBO condition
? Operational safety
l Medium-lubricated guide bearing
? Perfect rotor alignment
l Through Hirth-type serration of connections
? Optimized hydraulics
l Tailor-made impeller/diffuser combination
l Model and full-load performance tests
- Shanghai Electric-KSB Nuclear Pumps Valves Co.,Ltd.